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Cosmetic Acupuncture

30 Hours/60% Theory/40% Clinical Training
Language of Delivery: Arabic/English
Delivery: Face to Face/Zoom


This program is dedicated to general public and also people who work in the field of Chinese medicine and acupuncture.

Program benefits

1. Well-known lecturers in this field with more than 20 years of therapeutic experience.
2. An integrative study program that combines complementary medicine with traditional medicine.
3. A family-friendly atmosphere in an academic environment.
4. An intensive study program that provides graduates the ability to treat a wide range of skin and cosmetic problems by acupuncture.
5. Suitable studying times that allow students to work and not lose their jobs.
6. Our graduates are proficient in both Western and natural medicine.
7. The most inclusive program in the field of Cosmetic Acupuncture.

About the course

The acupuncture course is for cosmetic problems, skin problems, aging and wrinkles. This type of therapy for skin problems and signs of aging has become the most popular and in demand worldwide, after the first therapy we could see the great results. This course was built by the lecturer Shadi Margieh, a senior lecturer at AUEDI and the author of the Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Chinese Medicine, One of the best sellers in the field of Chinese medicine.

Certificate of completion from AUEDI: Ryada training center in the American University in Emirates, CMA the International Society of Complementary Medicine & 7Dimensions Medical Centre in Dubai.

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