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ABA - Applied Behaviour Analysis

50 Hours/70% Theory/30% Clinical Training
Language of Delivery: Arabic/English
Delivery: Face to Face/Zoom


This program is dedicated to general public and also people who work in the medical professions and psychotherapy.
People who want to study a distinctive therapeutic profession and a highly demanded diagnostic mean at the largest college in the country.
People who want to study a popular and effective course.
People who want to improve their therapeutic and diagnostic services.
People who don’t bargain for quality and want to study this program at AUEDI.

Program benefits

1. Well-known lecturers in this field with more than 20 years of therapeutic experience.
2. A family-friendly atmosphere in an academic environment.
3. An intensive study program that provides graduates the ability to deal with many and varied conditions.
4. Suitable studying times that allow students to work and not lose their jobs.
5. The most inclusive program in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis.
6. An international certificate will be issued.

About the course

A highly demanded profession, the leading method to treat children with Autism, which was established by Professor Ivar Lovaas, from California University, United States. It is noteworthy that before his activities in this field, he used to follow the children’s condition who has autism in psychiatric hospitals because of the misconception that their condition could not be improved. ABA method has improved and continues to improve children’s skills with autism and lead to integrate them into society in a healthy way. ABA therapists are very required in all competent institutions also in person. 



Qualification certificate ABA Practitioner from AUEDI: Ryada training center in the American University in Emirates, CMA the International Society of Complementary Medicine & 7Dimensions Medical Centre in Dubai.

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